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Re: First liver flush fail?? Very disappointing

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
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Michael B Views: 3,478
Published: 13 y
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Re: First liver flush fail?? Very disappointing

"This has almost pushed me over the edge. I regret beyond belief attempting to cure all my ailments. This cleanse/flush has done nothing but create extra problems and bring up old problems (depression, anxiety). And because I don't want the stupid parasites that are apparently in everyone to get resistant to herbs, I can't do anything about it for another 3 months. So here I am, stuck, for the next 3 months, feeling like utter crap and not being able to do anything about it, with no life since this Depression and anxiety is so crippling."

First off, you have to understand what your emotions are and how to properly feel and channel them. There is a good course called 'emotional genius" i recommend. Most people in american repress. A lot in european countries express. There is a seldom traveled middle ground called "feeling". This is not the passive feeling most use to describe their distanced relationship with their emotions; it is an ACTVE, AWARE and compassionate feeling and embracing of your own inner most sentiments every moment of everyday. This is absolutely fundamental to Liver Flushing and I will tell you right now you will not purge anything from your liver until you first accept your emotions, feel, cathart, and are prepared to release and express what needs to be released. You have to love your feelings unconditionally, especially the "bad" ones. There is no bad emotion.

Secondly, you should definitely consider the possibility that you have heavy metal poisoning. Do you have silver fillings? Depression and anxiety...the sense of desperation bitterness and hopelessness of your post.. all signs of heavy metal poisoning. I highly recommend researching this and getting the book "amalgam illness" even if you don't have fillings.

Third, you should, if you want to try the flush again, definitely incorporate a high dose of RAW organic garlic to help with the liver parasites and to desludge.

Fourth, You already acknowledged you did not do Epsom Salts , which are critically important to the flush. You can order it online for not very much and have it shipped to you. In my experience, flushes without the help of Epsom Salt just don't do you have already experienced.

Try these things


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