I have been diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). At the time I was diagnosed I was on a form of high estrogen birth control. It was not mirena, but ANY tetracycline and ANY estrogen or progesterin birth control can no longer be used once you are diagnosed. The only option I have is a copper IUD. I notice this post is months ago, but, if you have been diagnosed, I will warn you, that this condition is rather rare. There is not much research on it, and you will hear many different opinions from many different docs. My reccomendation would be to do all of the research you can on the internet. You can get it under control and have it in a "remission" but it can reappear. ( I am just now starting treatment for my second time in 7 years. Let me know if you have any questions. I have learned much about this .condition. My sister and I are both diagnosed.
Take care