Re: after further thought I'm seeing my error
i read somewhere that the medical texts of the late 1800s were all about purifying the blood because people with clean blood are not as susceptible to getting sick
i guess it takes work to prevent recontamination too
i try not to touch door knobs in public bathrooms and buy soap that has eucalyptus in it
i also heard that in one of the books they tossed out of the bible, Jesus was all about deworming and systemic cleansing
it made me wonder if that is how he gained his ability to heal siddhi
i kinda think they invented auto-immune disorder to throw us off track
i bet people with over active immune systems could calm it down a bit, if they did some systemic cleansing, so there wasn't so many red alert alarms going off all over their bodies screaming at the immune system to wake up
it probably doesn't know where to send help for all the toxins and decides it would be easier to shut down the body than to clean it all up
when bathing with pigs is the preferred way to prevent hookworms, i'm going to live on another planet