Slant Boards (foematting edited) Re: Here we go - first things first :) Re: Inversion Therapy - Glaucoma - Any thoughts!
Slant Boards - Dr. Christopher, Dr. Schulze, Unyquity
Using BF&C to restore bones, flesh & cartilage +++
INTERVIEWER: Why have my readers got such disappointing results with Dr. Christopher's eye formula?
The first reason goes to what we talked about earlier; poor quality commercial-grade herbs. You want to make sure the herbs are organically grown or wild-crafted. (Note from Unyquity: Dr. Christopher’s children –who own/operate the company now- no longer use organic/non-imported herbs in his formulas AND they have significantly altered Dr. Christopher's original BF&C formula)
You cannot trust where commercial herbs were grown, and how they were treated when they were imported
into the U.S. Why would you want to use a formula to remove toxins from your eyes, and then use herbs with poisons in them
? On top of that, people are getting the herbs in powdered form. I think there is hardly any of the volatile oils and potency left in the herbs
they're using.
The second problem is that people are not using the formula enough, because it's been too difficult to use. Most people will not go through the trouble of making the eye tea every two days, straining it and heating it after taking it out of the refrigerator, and then making sure
they don't heat it too much, and then repeating this whole process six
times a day: As I'll explain later, I've made the whole thing much easier.
The third reason people aren't getting results with their eyes is that, again, this is a dedicated program. Whatever results the patient gets are dramatically reflected by the amount of work that they put into the program. If someone just uses the eyewash by itself, they can expect some differences. If they use it six times a day; they can expect better differences. But if they use it six times a day along with having that juicer going, and juicing themselves three glasses of carrot juice a day; and getting all that vitamin A in their system, then it's even better.
If they use it along with brain herbs like ginkgo biloba and cayenne and rosemary to stimulate more blood and oxygen to the brain, then it's better still.
And if they use it along with getting on their slant board, or slant couch once or twice a day; now we are talking about seeing dramatic results. People just tend to do one thing and expect it to create a miracle, and you really have to put the whole program together I might say that over the years, too much emphasis has been put on just the herb formula - and not enough on the other things that Dr. Christopher said and talked about. If you just use the herbs and don't cleanse your body --
you may never get the healing that others do.
When Dr. Christopher was asked "what can I do to speed up the healing of my eyes when using the Eyebright formula, this is what he said:
In order for any herbal combination to be effective, the body must be in good working condition. This would include using the lower bowel combinationand strictly following the mucusless diet. In addition it is also important to improve the circulation to the head area. This can be accomplished by laying your head down on a slant board each day. Gradually work up to 20 minutes twice a day. There is also a tendency for the eyesight to seem to worsen for a while. This is due to the toxins being released from the system and coming to the surface of the eye to be washed away. This also indicates that the lower bowel formula should be used as a means for keeping the eliminative channels open
Not too much!! Thinks, thoughts, info & suggestions...Re: Doing too much ?? Long..
25. Slant board combination.
As an aid in prolapsed uterus, bowel, or other organs, to assist in giving relief, make concentrated tea (simmer down to half its amount) of six parts oak bark, three parts mullein herb, four parts yellow dock root, three parts walnut bark or leaves, six parts comfrey root, one part lobelia, three parts marshmallow root. Inject with a syringe (while head down on slant board) into vagina, 1/4 to 1/2 cup or more; or rectum, one cup or more; for prolapsus or hemorrhoid problems and leave in as long as is possible before voiding. Dose suggested is one fourth to one cup, one or more times in a day, and drink one fourth cup in three fourths cup of distilled water three times a day. When the tea is injected into the abdominal area and while on the slant board, knead and massage the pelvic and abdominal area to exercise the muscles, so the herbal tea (food) will be assimilated into the organs.