I have been surfing the net for a few years now in search of help for Candidia and yeast infections. I am having some success with a few things and I wanted to come and share with people because having yeast infections and BV for a few years now really sucks and is expensive. I read your post and I wanted to share a supplement with you that I have been taking for Systemic yeast. I haven't been on it that long but I am having success with it and I am not even restricting my diet. I believe I have Systemic yeast. Check out the supplement called Syntol. The Enzymes break down the yeast walls and destroy them. Included in this product is also a precbiotic and a probiotic to get your system healthy with good bacteria again. I have been on it now for approximately 2 weeks. I am more tired than usual but I will take that over yeast infections any day. Just wanted to share. Good luck!!