There is zero substance to your yada yadas and your blind denial of the evils of the George Soros Empire the Nazi collaborator who relished his gainful past pointing out his fellow jews and being rewarded with the property of those he ratted out.
You want substance, look at the chart, notice the connection between the multitudes of demorats obama and clintons and the corporate world, a fair indication of liberal fascism in all it's evil glory. Check out the media and the motion picture assn and Disney and the connections and then try to see the propaganda of so many anti american soc/com movies out there. One would have to be blind deaf or dumb not make the connection.
You are the one who lacks substance or intelligent rebuttal, just another mindless Obama drone who has no clue about the realities of our criminally corrupt presidential administration. Another empty box with no ability to sort truth from fantasy. Another useful idiot.