THANKS i will re look into herbs. the liver issues detected indicate strongly I can not take milk thistle ( dr agrees ) and that explains why I have always had aversed reaction to it ). it does indicate curcumin, specific sources of resveratol. Think its time to go to an herbalist friend of mine for a consult. thing is anyone who consults with me will need to know how each one affects the two liver phases and all liver pathways involved. If they dont I end up poisoned by the concoction that remains in my liver intermediate phase.. and its so bad now when that happens I can function. I wonder if there is anyone out there that good. Of course these genetic tests that I did are so new I doubt herbologists are up on it. I have to have my other docs call my specialist to understand the test results. It is , I am told , the new gold standard of liver tests. so accurate my docs do not want insurance to know of my missing chromosomes etc just in case
taurine is natural, so is coffee and phosphytdle choline, actually all of what I take for this is natural except the vitamin combos and when I deteriorate and go go pain control mode