Epsom salts no longer work- alternatives?
Now I
Epsom Salts dont work for me anymore I noticed unless my flushs are 6-12+ months or more apart.
I do huldas flushes. May try the coke one with mag citrate not sure.
My liver pathways are missing chromosomes (detoxigenomics ) which explains about 30 things that have happen/ symptoms since I was born. based on my last 3 ( of 15 total ) flushes ...
Epsom Salts dont give me the runs anymore. The next morning at the 4th dose they will a little bit. Since I have no glutathione pathway and the others are messed up in phase 2 and I have ramped up phase 1 I need to do flushes for life or until maybe I go on disability ( double blurred vision and early brain degeneration from the toxicity that is stuck in between the two phases.
I need some type of maintaince flush program. I think if I stick to my mostly raw vegetarian diet I can do mini flushes with a little oil and veggie juice..
sigh not sure.. I even have thoughts about getting the gall bladder out so I have fewer ?) things to deal with ( fat ). .
why would
Epsom Salts stop working.. it feels like my body / insides are just absorbing them now.
The doctors I have are pro saving gall bladder.
ideas if you have them would be appreciated