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Re: Candida die off a living nightmare--advice please!!!
Aquarian Warrior Views: 10,162
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida die off a living nightmare--advice please!!!

I am taking phung ex (pau d arco, grapefruit extract, olive leaf, etc) from the line innovita along with tox ex to eliminate the fungal toxicity which my nutritionist put me on. Right now I am focusing on dealing with the "piss off" to the point where i feel/look somewhat normal again and don't have panic episodes which I've been having the last 4 or so days...I do realize I have to keep taking the anti fungal though. Tons of rest and vit C/ magnesium/some chorella/some milk thistle helped some today. It's so weird how this all started--I had been dealing with some emotional stressors last month and I went to go see an energy healer to balance my chakras. He was the real deal. He passed his hands over my chakras and I saw visions and colors and it was an intense and positive experience. The next day though, my liver was super sluggish. I realized that whatever he did irritated the fungus big time because my normal routine of looking and feeling fine and just taking the supplements was over. I want to say that I wish I had never undertook such a thing had I known it would ignite such a flare up but I guess in a sense it was a blessing in disguise because I've been inspired to read up on candida in a thorough way and I now no longer harbor any notions that I can drink wine and eat Sugar and eventually it will "go away". I am taking it way more seriously now. The experience also just confirms to me what we all know already--the spiritual and the physical elements of our bodies are bound together, influence and inform one another. So interesting :) also, after all the info I've found on curezone, I find it very odd that the naturopath ive been working with has never once stressed to me just HOW important completely eliminating Sugar and yeasts is during candida detox. So I feel empowered to be taking charge and relying more on my own pursuit of knowledge as opposed to passively. Following a regimen...


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