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Starting 4th month of chelation - update on my experiences
CGally81 Views: 2,693
Published: 13 y

Starting 4th month of chelation - update on my experiences

Quick background details: Gluten/casein/soy protein (but not soy lecithin) intolerant. Had Amalgams removed last March. Stopped having recurrent cellulitis afterwards! Began Cutler protocol at beginning of this year.

Anyway, I've started the Cutler protocol on 12mg, every 3 hours (4 at night), and met with charming come-and-go side effects (hello back pain! goodbye back pain! hello fatigue! goodbye fatigue!), but also not certain if I was meeting with improvement. But after only a month or so, I noticed I was slowly losing weight, had more energy, and was using that energy to go for walks in the middle of the night (I already walk during my lunch break at work). I've even gone for some 80-minute walks!

I gradually increased my dose, first to 15mg, then 20mg, and I'm currently on 30mg every 2.5 hours (3-4 at night) when on round. I also take milk thistle, zinc, selenium and a trace minerals complex every day.

I've been feeling the ups and downs as you'd expect, but wow. There are times when I just plain feel amazing. Last weekend, I played outside with my 3-year-old nephew and hid Easter eggs from him (we did Easter early), and I just felt fantastic being outside, hanging out and playing, and had plenty of energy. I used to not have the most energy when my nephew was over and I remember when I wouldn't be as actively involved in play because I just couldn't. But on the protocol, with the ups and downs, the ups are great and the downs aren't that bad now. Though sometimes I do have the occasional random increased hunger (it doesn't even happen every week), but I can deal with that easy with some NuGoFree bars (and Candex to prevent the candida flare-up, as they contain sugar).

I'm glad I'm increasing dosage somewhat slowly (is it considered slow to go from 12mg to 30mg in 3 months?). I don't know how much I'll be taking by the end of the year, but things are looking up. And I'm noticeably losing weight. It's slow, but it's happening. This is despite frequently buying a "bonus food" (you know what I mean!) on weekends just because I can. I wonder if it's the combination of ALA and milk thistle that causes the weight loss? (the actual loss seems to occur more on round than anything else)

I'm glad I finally got my Amalgams removed and got on the Cutler protocol. Had I done it sooner, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.


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