Re: What could cause my Brainfog?! (Lyme, Candida etc.)
I feel your pain I've been suffering from Brain Fog or as I personally call it "Auto-Pilot Mode". I find it to be quite frustrating, I would often find myself at work worrying whether or not I had locked my flat's door. Walking to classes with out noticing or even realizing what exactly I was doing, hence the term "Auto-Pilot Mode".
I've recently started taking Lion's Mane, Neuro Boost Piracetam, and Alpha GPC. I added the Neuro Boost Piracetam a little over a month ago and I'm already noticing a significant increase in the reduction of the amount of time that I spend in this "Auto-Pilot Mode". Actually have been recalling if I locked the door, and what I'm supposed to be doing at work. I also noticed that my memory retention has seemed to increase, I'm recalling much more memories than I was able to do about 3 months ago when I was first starting the Lion's Mane and Alpha GPC, and compared to 4 years ago when I first started suffering this I'm doing a lot better.
There's lots of potential causes of "brain-fog"/"Auto-Pilot Mode" one of them being Complex Partial Epilepsy (Unfortunately this is the cause for me), ADD, ADHD, a poor or unhealthy diet, not enough rest, Lyme's Disease, and Candida.
If you're interested in learning a bit more about Piracetam you can look at these URL's:
The first URL is just general information including proper dosing and other useful information. The second link is a page that contains ample amount of research as well as a downloadable PDF near the top.
Anyways I'd suggest maybe trying to get more rest and practicing breathing exercises because sleep is a very underrated importance and many people now-a-days are not getting nearly enough rest.
I hope some of this is useful and helpful for you! I hope that you find a solution for your brain fog :)