Re: Any info on greying hair?
I have had some success in the past reversing grey hair, like 70% using black strap molasses. I also went grey earlier than normal. It suddenly stopped working. This was 7 or 8 years ago. I didn't know I had a
parasite infection, which was robbing my nutrients. Now it all makes sense to me. At 45 I don't have many wrinkles, and I love the sun unprotected, but my hair started going grey in early thirties.
Now recently, as I have gotten the infection under control somewhat, I started taking BSM again for the nutrients, and again, I am noticing much less grey.
The reason I started taking it years ago is I was trying to research why it was happening, and there was info on regarding blackstrap molasses and I think it was wheat germ and/or brewers yeast. If you do a basic internet search, you will find that there is quite a bit of info on lacking minerals and nutrients causing premature greying. It was my understanding at the time that "pre-mature" greying, and also hair loss like in men, is not always genetic, but has to do with nutritients and minerals.