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Killing parasites with herbs and electricity. Lymph nodes damage?
marnoti Views: 5,520
Published: 13 y

Killing parasites with herbs and electricity. Lymph nodes damage?

After doing the 21 days parasite cleansing with Clark herbs, I've got the Zapper Z4eX and did one single session at 15Hz (2 months ago) I am a bit sensitive to electricity, and I did the stupid mistake of starting with a session (the only one I did btw)

Since then I have been suffering from pain in my lymph nods, specially neck and left groin, and some gurgling noises in my leg with pain (extremely worried about lymph nodes damage and DVT in my leg)

Is it possible to get any of these conditions, or something worse with one single session of Zapping? Was it the herbs? It sounds more logic to think that the Zapper did this and not the herbs, and I am sure this is not a scattering issue. I never had any problem before with lymph nodes, and the day after zapping the nightmare started.

To be honest, I don't know to which doctor should I go or what to do. Or how dangerous this might be. I try to tell about this to a doctor one month ago and he laugh in my face, saying that he is not familiar with electricity or herbs treatments.

I am completely lost here and quite scared, as these after effects do not clear up, not even after 2 months!

Please looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank you for your help


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