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Re: 141. A word

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

thinker2012 Views: 2,626
Published: 12 y
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Re: 141. A word

It depends on your perspective, I remember when trapper went off of clean diet and got on his iodine kick. I wanted to see where drinking iodine took him.

Sad really sad. Reminds me of a walk I took through a YMCA flop house lobby filled with nasty dying crippled bums, the one normal Norwegian guy, my friend, was  running the place told me while I waited in the lobby, 'Do not patronize or feel sorry for these  bums, they are very sick and evil'

As I waited in the lobby for some work to get done, these doped sick bums tried to suck me into thier sickie spider web, one with ms, put his fingernails in my arm and drew blood to try to get me to stay and listen to his rx drug twisted mind, another kept jumping in my face demanding I 'take him to get ice cream', he was so FAR GONE and brain poisoned he must of been on 20 rx meds just to be at sub sub barely functioning level. The others were diseased suicide cases, perverts playing with themselves drooling on themselves in corners spitting out perverse filth  and there were a few bold ones who screamed anti christ satanic hate in my face because I had a large cross around my neck.

When we left I asked my friend why those people were so sick. My friend said, they are not sick, the two guys murdered people in the war and loved killing others, the other guys were wife beaters, kid beaters and pimps who got thrown to the gutter by the ex's and kids, the guy with ms who scratched my arm tried to kill his ex wife for insurance money so the docs fried him with interferon injections and ms and the rest of the bums were former hotshots, guys who used to work in the big advertising agencies telling lies to sell garbage, one was a debarred lawyer who screwed people over, another was an incompetent alcoholic woman md who lost her licence to practice her bad bad med, the few crazy athiest women had abused thier kids so bad they were tossed to the street.

Just NO GOOD devil dupes who went down the bad devils road and scrounged free buffalo wing meals and booze all thier miserable user loser lives at every happy hour free food bar in town.

In other words they were evil athiests, drunks, gigillos, con artists, evil hot shots, incompetents, killers, know it alls, abusers, etc and they were just reaping what they had sowen.

A tortured miserable wretched brain fogged sot brain zombified daemonic existance. They all sat in a big TV room every day like brain dead mules and guffawed, fought, snorked, clawed, slurred, stabbed, jabbed and spit negative slime and venom on each other daily, fighting over which cartoons to watch on the TV.

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