13 y
Re: A word about negative slurBOT posters
I ran a christian forum here quite a few years back
end quote
OHHHH! Say no more! that explains your behavior.
carry on everyone, nothing to see here.
fruitarians often exhibit manic behavior -- either due to too much detoxing too fast, or that man is meant to live on more than fruit alone. i think this is what we are seeing here. plus, the spelling and grammar errors are pretty funny from a person who claims to have superhuman knowledge.
i know a quick way to get this over with...
someone supervise him in a 20 day breatharian stint.
there was some breatharian brit women years ago who was caught drinking coffee. hmmm
here is a good project for you, thinker. google the term 'spiritual arrogance' and see if anything rings a bell when you look in the mirror.
negative hate slur anti christian bad poo poo doo doo ca ca piss piss double triple alien reptile quadruple bad hater