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Re: 100mg of "lugols" is the minimum daily amount ?
trapper/kcmo Views: 9,165
Published: 13 y
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Re: 100mg of "lugols" is the minimum daily amount ?

walter should not be able to last saying things like that.

lets start with the first paragraph:

After Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (acidified sodium chlorite) I regard Lugol's solution as the most effective broad-spectrum microbicide, and being specific for Candida and other fungi. I am not aware of a medical drug with equal effectiveness. Therefore health authorities in most or all developed countries are presently trying to make it unavailable for natural therapists and self-healing under the pretext that it might be used to produce illegal drugs. It is now difficult to obtain and I have become aware of deceptive methods being used by chemists or pharmacists (probably under instruction from health authorities).

i wouldnt use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement on my dog. the body needs iodine, not chlorine. and, in sufficient safe doses, Iodine will do whatever Miracle-Mineral-Supplement will do, without the side effects, one of which is Iodine deficiency.

neither halogens are specific for fungi. they can certainly help with fungi, but neither are the curative. a raging candida infection can do an end run around MMS or lugols. this has been reported here and on the MMS forum.

if you want to read the real deal, it is here - the complete DOJ/DEA document:

that is also a place where you can buy lugols. it is the only Lugols seller i recommend. it is the real deal. he sells the 5% strong Iodine solution and the watered down 2%.

as for the rest of it, its fairly harmless but hardly accurate. hes just trying to sell lugols, etc. except for the fad money maker MMS, his products are pretty standard.


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