Re: ALA 100mg every 3 hours or 4?
I agree with Eric and Zlatin.
I'm not aware of any direct negative effects of ALA on thyroid. However I do feel better when I take extra thyroid supplements while I'm on round.
I can't say that I've heard in the past two years in the chelation groups of anyone who was quite sick with Hg symptoms and yet could tolerate 100mg doses of ALA!!!
Every month we hear from someone who has been too aggressive with doses and crashed adrenals or something. They then had to take time off to get adrenal tests, meds or find a combo of supplements.
Cutler has stats in his writings about how unwise it is to start with excessively high doses.
I've been improving nicely over the past 1.75 yrs on an average of 8mg ALA + 16mg DMSA. That is certainly below normal doses at my stage, but are not uncommon for the early months of chelation. It might also be that there is some remaining
Amalgam that I'm not aware of.
Cutler addresses some of these issues here.