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Re: new to forum help!!
snobetty Views: 1,600
Published: 13 y
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Re: new to forum help!!

Thanks again for your reply. My symptoms are as follows. Weakness in my limbs, and back, flipping between adrenaline, anxiety and severe depression, disturbed sleep, pressure and tingling feeling in my brain. Lost about 10 pounds in the last month or so.

My fear is that this is not the first time I have been through this. I think I have been dealing with this for the last two years as I had a bad reaction to an anti-depressant that sent all this off two years ago. So I have been through this before and I know what it entails, and I know that I have been absent from my children's and families lives for the last two years and I am having a hard time finding the strength and hope again to get through it to start right back at square one.

Hopefully with the knowledge I have now i can stop it from happening again in the future. But it is very hard. Sorry for the venting.

Thanks for the website, I have reviewed it before and have implemented a lot of it in the last few months.


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