How much water do you use for each fill? One quart or two quarts? There have been and, I am sure, still are many people who take daily enemas as part of their living, just as taking a shower or a bath. Usually these people lives a long and healthy life; whether this is due to their daily enemas or because of their life style is hard to judge.
Personally, I have taken daily enemas for quite a while with no ill effects. My enemas were 2 quarts of different solutions, and once a week I took a series soapsuds enema with a saline solution rinse.
I feel that there is a slight danger if you take only a very small enema, Fleet size bottle, as this will only result in a very small bowel movement but giving you a feeling of having a larger BM,
Otherwise I see no harm in a daily enema. Don’t worry about it becoming dependant. Even after ten years of daily enemas most people return to normal BMs within a few days after stopping their daily enemas.