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Re: Candida symptoms will not subside
Anthony87 Views: 3,830
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida symptoms will not subside

Try eliminating fat and your proteins and replacing with redskin mash made with onion and garlic for flavor. Your problem of being stuck at that almost OK stage remind me of myself before looking into total fat elimination and the possibility that animal protein is contributing to Disbyosis.

The potato has a more efficient form of energy than turkey etc.
Here's articles that support my diet.
-4 paragraphs down at the word Maldigestion it gets important.

We aren't properly digesting protein properly. You can maintain muscle with veggies and potatoes..maybe not win bodybuiling contests., but the malabsorption and leaky gut is serious and scaling back heavily on protein has helped me out. It was a frustrating thing having jock itch when all i was eating was mahi mahi steaks and greens. It was in theory supposed to be working.


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