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parasite cleanse help please worm tape and roundworm
  Views: 2,193
Published: 13 y

parasite cleanse help please worm tape and roundworm

Hello all I need help and my doctors aren’t helping here in the UK
I am full of parasites and I have tried many parasite cleanses the neways herbal parasite cleanse and got a heavy toxic release with only a bit of a head of a tapeworm
the best result was a herbal Bowel Cleanse from the usa when I took larger and larger increase ( with water ) in the herbs then when I was taking 12 pills at night the following morning I had a huge release of parasites too awful to describe so I have a real prob and the during that day I felt really well that was 2 years ago but since the problem is back to normal and can hardly afford to do what I did before and if the infestation is as bad as I think I need to know what to do I have seen a lot of the posts and as usual it is nothing but confusion with everyone saying something different from only doctors drugs will work to herbal flushes will someone cut through the confusion and tell me where to go from
HERE i look forward to hearing from you


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