Re: Depression flare up
The usual questions:
- What co-supplements are you taking?
- Are you salt loading?
- How is your diet?
- How much
Iodine are you taking per day?
I have had some great spells and some really bad spells on my
Iodine journey of 6 months so far. During the bad spells I felt the brain fog, no motivation for work or life and no motivation to socialise/talk with friends and family.
I felt amazing to begin on just 250mcg of
Iodine from kelp, but that soon wore off. Since then I have gone from 12.5mg to 25mg to 50mg to 100mg and now I am up at 200mg per day (with magnets on bottle). I take vit C powder, magnesium chloride orally and transdermally, selenomethionine, vit B complex and K2 and D3 at night time. I tried 250mg iodine yesterday and felt it was a bit too much - I felt tired and very cold in the extremities (hypo).
Just today I added zinc with small amounts of copper (45mg zinc, 2.25mg copper) and straight away I am feeling AWESOME! Also, I have gone organic meat and most veg recently and again am noticing improvements.
It is hard to pinpoint what is causing the negatives and positives on this journey, you have to be willing to experiment with iodine and supp levels and to expect good and bad days.
Good luck with it all.