Perhaps I shouldn´t write this soon after eating this herb, but I would just like to say it feel more easy on the body than Wormwood which I have taken loads of for several years. Also, I have cronic constipation after years of high dose Antibiotics and this herb helps a little with that. Usually I can go for several weeks without going to the bathroom and sometimes for days, it varies a lot with this problem for me. Basically the worms are blocking the intestines a lot and the Antibiotics made it worse. I have taken loads of herbs against constipation included from people that are famous in the world and here on curezone as well, but it doesn´t work optimally for me because of these worms. So basically I have just eaten the herb for a week and not full dose, and I can suddenly eat breakfast again (small dose) and my constipation is a little better. I feel it doesn´t affect the worms in my sinuses so far though.