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Re: Have you tried to use fresh garlic "juice" or a garlic infusion to do an enema ?
sd2345 Views: 27,534
Published: 13 y
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Re: Have you tried to use fresh garlic "juice" or a garlic infusion to do an enema ?

I know it takes time, that is why when people give it only a few days, I think they give up too soon. I still get worms after several weeks on a bulb or more daily. In the very beginning of my infection, I got many out daily for 2 months. In fact, if I stopped for a day or two, the dead wroms stop also. When I would resume, they continued to come.

On the other hand, I am not working right now. I could not eat a bulb and go to work. I basically am secluded and only see a select group of people when I'm treating myself this way. I have to plan, go to grocery early in the AM, stop garlic 24-48 hours before an event or meeting.



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