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Re: Have you tried to use fresh garlic "juice" or a garlic infusion to do an enema ?
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Re: Have you tried to use fresh garlic "juice" or a garlic infusion to do an enema ?

"I think garlic penetrates all areas of the body, including the brain. I have a theory that it does not reach the lungs though, I think that is why I can kill, kill, and kill with garlic for 2-3 weeks solid, then they come back because the larvae in my lungs were not effected during their molting period."

I can vouch for the fact that it does get to the lungs.  I have used garlic poultices for coughs and colds - many times.  As soon as you put a garlic poultice on your foot/feet it is on your breath in less than 60 seconds.  In fact it's on my breath in less than 30 seconds.  Haven't resorted to a poultice for a long time because because I haven't had a cold in years.

Here's good information on a garlic poultice:

Garlic does get to all parts of the body and has been tested on malaria which is caused by a parasite in the blood stream.  I haven't yet seen the results of that testing.  Garlic kills parasites in the intestinal tract - all of them, but you can't stop when you see them in your stool, you have to keep eating raw garlic until their eggs are hatched (it doesn't kill the eggs) and the new parasite is formed.



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