Re: A question about what one can post here...?
Thanks for letting me post how I feel. I am trying to get over candida and will keep trying. My entire body is damp. Being in front of a computer looking for cures does not help. Nor does being in a culture where there are tons of chemicals and bakeries around all over the place or the pollution of a city. One does not understand severe candida unless they have it and I hope that no one ever has it as badly as I do. I am filled with yeast and my infections down there do not go away although I will keep trying. I am now about to try Richards Schulze's Cayenne tincture. I have to stay with my mother. She has no sympathy for what candida can do and wonders why I am so "stupid"... ie the brain fog... "well you didn't used to be this way".
The NHS does not believe in yeast overgrowth and thinks you are crazy. I have tried so many practitioners. I guess I have to keep trying. I feel disgusting and hate eating anything. There was a story about a woman over here who starved herself to death because she was so sensitive to everything. I understand how she feels. I didn't know before that candida can also cause severe chemical intolerance. This is very true.
Thanks for letting me vent as I feel very very alone. They shut down the National Candida Society over here so it is very hard to find practitioners. : (
colonics offer some relief but they are very expensive and haven't cured my problem. Thanks for also saying I am not too depressing as candida is a very depressing illness when you remember how you "used to be" and then you can't get rid of it.