Sudden eye pain and cloudy vision
I am battling a golden staph infection. At times this has got into the space around the eye (where the tears are). This has happened twice in one eye, and once in the other. On more occasions, I have had the same thing with only minor infection.
I had most of the symptoms you have.
Pus forms in the tears, and can cover the part of the eye you see through, making it so you can't see as well. The pus eventually collects in the corner of your eye near your nose (where dust collects), and you can remove it.
It also causes itching.
My eyes were also red, as I had boils all over my body at that time, which were very painful, which resulted in difficulty sleeping. My eyes became red from lack of sleep.
Each time, my eyes cleared up without treatment in a few days. The body's immune system is very effective.
However, I did not experience any pain in the eye, and the redness in my case was from lack of sleep.
My only concern for you is if the infection has got into the eyeball. Mine did not. If it has, it may be a bigger concern than mine.
Is the pain actually around the eye, or in the eyeball.
I am using oregano oil to treat the golden staph infection. I had a very severe infection. I am getting a continual improvement, but it is taking a long time.
I suggest:
It is most likely to clear up in a few days, so don't be too stressed.
Purchase some oregano oil, and take it internally - do not put it in your eye.
You may want to see a doctor, particularly if it gets worse. If you take
Antibiotics , still continue with the oregano oil.
Oregano oil tastes horrible. You may want to dilute it in olive oil.