Re: bad liver cleanse results-- i know why!!!
what is yogurt enema/epsom, can u tell me about this .... can i use this in my following problem ...? thanks
Im suffering from food intolerance/allergy and IBS for last 12 years, i
have always stomach upset, gas (brosy abdomen) , burning/swelling, when
i tap on my back i feel severe pain on middle and right side of ribs
(stomach side), no appetite,low mood, weak concentration, sleep
disorder, unsocial life, lost weight, fatigue, blur vision, thin thick
sticky paste like stool (sticked with intestines/burning while
passing/not hard soft but not like watery diarrhea/dont feel urgency to
toilet)(1 or 2 times a day to clear bowls. i have severe
intolerance/allergy with milk, all dairy products, all kinds of sweets,
milk tea, cola drinks, all fruits, fish and eggss, bakery products.,
everything i eat makes gastro upset. i totally avoid dairy products and
sweets. i have done all kinds of tests (
food allergy test is also
normal). endoscopy (5 times)[few years back i had always sever pain in
stomach, vomiting with pain but now i feel good after using stomach
medicines/h.pylori course etc.]last endoscopy was normal, barium meal
follow through, ultrasounds, stool tests, all tests are normal, but
nothing is diagnosed, i also went to psychiatrist but no improvement
(im 200% sure these all problems r due to gastro upsetness not due to
psychological disturbance. (i have used many medicines advised by GI
doctors but no improvement),, do u have any solution ]