Re: Cutler protocol month 3 - initial impressions
"Generally by the end of the first year middle aged adults have had nice gains, maybe even 50% of the total gains from chelation." -- Really? And that's only for middle-aged adults, so considering I'm 30, that's great news.
"The process slows down over time." -- That makes sense. I assume that's also why dosage needs to be ramped up over time, as there's less mercury to get rid of, so it's harder for it to reach it and pull it out. On the other hand, that also sounds rather frustrating, as it means that the last 10% or so would take forever to get rid of. Hopefully the gains will have been so good by the time the process slows down, that I won't mind it as much.
"a little hypoglycemia and related to adrenal fatigue" -- Perhaps. Most days it's fine, in that it's not random, it's predictable. Don't eat enough, it happens. "enough" means something like 1300 calories by the time lunch is over, or something like that. But it's manageable, and my weight is slowly going down.
On some days, though, randomly, I can go for a very long time without feeling hungry, needing energy, etc. So this indicates to me that whatever causes this is fixable, and possibly related to mercury. If so, great.