Re: Cutler protocol month 3 - initial impressions
Thanks for the update. It is good to hear you are doing so well. You tolerate ALA much better than I do.
Cutler strongly recommends magnesium several times per day.
"Now, if I don't eat enough, I can debilitatingly find it difficult to concentrate, get a headache, etc. until I eat ..."
A close female friend is like this. Her mood also changes. This is often though to be a little hypoglycemia and related to adrenal fatigue. My friend knows she has to have healthy snacks in the car or purse, often some almonds, snack bar, etc.
Generally by the end of the first year middle aged adults have had nice gains, maybe even 50% of the total gains from chelation. Those who can only tolerate very low doses or need to take long breaks between rounds might not get such impressive gains. From what I've read in Cutler and many others who have used the protocol, usually very nice gains in 1-3 yrs. The process slows down over time. Some very sick people chelate for 5 or more years. There is such a person in my extended circle of friends. He was nearly bed ridden when he started and is now back at work in his white collar job. He is very grateful to Andy. His doctor enabled Cutler to be a consultant in his difficult case. He spoke to Cutler on a number of occasions.