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Re: Parasite cleanse questions
lkclooney Views: 1,976
Published: 13 y
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Re: Parasite cleanse questions

I'm using the following products to address the worms in my GI tract:

Biopure Artemisinin Powder (best art I've tried to date), 3 tiny scoops with each meal, START VERY SLOWLY.

Bromelain (pineapple enzyme), 3 caps with each meal, start with one cap and build up


Himalayan Sea Salt & Vit C - 1 gram of each in 8 oz of pure water, 4 in the morning, afternoon & evening for a daily dose of 12 grams.

Salt Flush in the morning before breakfast - instructions on internet

The oral agents chase the parasites out of the GI tract and into other areas of the body. YOU NEED TO RIFE. Rifing with DNA frequencies & NP's F165 scripts have excellent killing power. I use a GB4000 & Doug Coil machines. I'm looking at purchasing the F165 script.



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