It takes a while for the wound to fester, for the eschar to come out, and for the skin to heal. Bloodroot is NOT a gentle healer because of the scars. I do not recommend bloodroot salve on the skin because of this. I tried it myself and have several scars. I would not use it on my skin again. I would go to a dermatologist. But I do take it internally, with no bad results, other than some mild nausea. Don't worry. It will heal, just take care of the wound exactly like you are instructed. In a few weeks or a month or two it will be over. Depends on how much you applied. It does take a while for the wound to heal. You do not have to worry about infection as long as you take care of the wound as instructed. I am sorry you are having to go through this. I would never recommend that anyone use bloodroot salve on the skin. Period. Ever. But I have had good results internally with it.