Follow up the coffee enemas with an infusion of Wormwood tea and drink some too. Zap Zap Zap. parasites pack themselves in really tight. Kill a bunch of them off and they have room to move around. Although it is a miserable feeling, it is really an indication that what you are doing is working. Congratulations and don't stop. Some of them lay 200K eggs per day. The eggs don't hatch out as long as the mother that laid them is alive, because she puts off a hormone to prevent it. This is so she won't have to compete with her brood for food. The eggs react to the Wormwood and other anti-parasiticals, just like they do the mothers hormones. The won't hatch out as long as it is in your system. It is important to take a break from cleansing, and give the eggs a chance to hatch out, then go after them before they have time to mate and start laying more eggs, otherwise you can have more hatchlings than before you started. The migration is usually an indication that they are moving into a new life cycle. They eat in one place, mate in another, and move elsewhere to lay their eggs.