Curious as to why are switching programs. Were you not getting the results you wanted from the RBTI? Or maybe not fast enough progress? You suggest that it helped with your blood sugar.
I am interested because I recently started Dr LWilson's program and have been curious about RBTI. They seem to have some similarities by focusing on the importance of remineralizing the body. Blood Sugar issues are one of my big problems and I was doing OK with a low carb diet until I added the carrot juice and blue corn chips that are recommended on the program. This seems to have sent me back into intense carb cravings, being constantly hungry and waking me up at night. My practitioner said to stop taking them for now. I am curious about the Ca supplements helping and no, will not overload on them to see if it helps. My sense is that low carb is really just a bandaid and not sustainable and I worry may be more damaging in the long run, so anything else to balance this out would be great. My Ca/Mg ratio is high - 17.5 so maybe it will sort itself out as I stay on the program.
Sorry for the rambling, but I am curious as to why the switch. Thanks for sharing.