My condition/symptoms clear: I just need a doctor to guide me a bit; please help
Hey forum:
after 6 years of AF, increasingly worse with time always, this is my final report.
- monumental brain fog as main problem
- impossible to wake up in morning
- difficulty falling asleep
- dehydration
- super tired after physical activity
- much more sensitive to heat and cold than before AF
- terrible digestion (stool never normal in texture)
*I did the pupil dilation mirror test. Positive, I dilate.
food allergy tests fine.
*TMA (hair lab analysis) 2 yrs ago: no toxicity in metal.
*countless blood work
parasites found in stool
I'm ordering a cortisol/DHEA-S saliva kit asap.
When I do know what's up with that, I'll have everything a doctor could want to work.
And yet, I've tried some very good ND's, and Dr. Lam didn't work either in 6 yrs experience.
Here's my question: do you know of a sure source; a doc who knows AF really well, and can treat me with ALL the info I've got about myself ?
To be clear: I need to know which supplements to go for, as I've tried a million promising ones that always failed.
Please. Thanking you, very much...