Communism now Communitarianism
COPS, like every other program coming down via the UN Declaration at Rio, is based in the theory of communitarianism. Promoted as the sensible solution to the conflicts posed by too many individual rights and not enough community rights, Communitarians insist there must be a new effort to “shore up the moral, social and political environment.” They “balance” the rights of individuals against the health and safety of the community at large. Amitai Etzioni has told us numerous times that individual rights can only be protected by taking some away.
The founder of the Communitarian Network was praised by both Bill and Hillary Clinton as an inspiration and for helping to achieve a new communitarian vision for the country. (Bill Clinton told Americans about the communitarian ideology twice during the latter part of Obama’s campaign; Hillary accused Iowans of not being communitarian enough.)
The communitarian Third Way and it’s theory of Reinvented Government has yet to prove itself as a superior theory to the founding American legal (and proven successful) principles for protecting individuals from the community. It has, on the other hand, proven itself to be a potential problem of global proportions. One can only imagine what kinds of crimes COMPASS would predict if we put in the data about the COPS.