Re: India:Polio VAC causes higher rate Polio than without VAC
Clean water would solve many health issues in India:
4000 children die each day from polluted water:
"Over 90% of reduction in TB, measles and other diseases occurred before vaccines or treatments for these diseases had been discovered."
The Indian government uses Thiomersal (mercury) vaccines because they are inexpensive.
The vaccines cost the government more than providing clean water:
"Clean water prevents rotavirus; it also prevents other diseases. Polio, cholera, typhoid are all faeces- or waterborne diseases and can be reduced if our water supplies improve. In the 1970s, a researcher called Thomas McKeown studied mortality due to various diseases in England and Wales over the previous century. Over 90% of reduction in TB, measles and other diseases occurred before vaccines or treatments for these diseases had been discovered.
Further, initiatives like clean water will reduce more than one disease. But the rotavirus vaccine can only prevent some types of rotavirus. It is probably as costly as providing clean water to the community. And there may be risks associated with the vaccine. An older version of the rotavirus vaccine was found to be associated with life-threatening intusussception of the intestines (a potentially fatal situation in which part of the intestine slides into another section, leading to the bowels getting blocked completely) after it was introduced. The newer versions appear to be safer but are very costly."