In a joint letter with 11 other conservative leaders, the Prime Minister urges greater “labour mobility” within the European Union to help people move abroad to places with the best job opportunities.
Mr Cameron has claimed that mass immigration in Britain has led to “discomfort” and promised voters that he will bring immigration down to the “tens of thousands”.
Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers from Eastern Europe have settled in Britain since countries such as Poland joined the European Union.
However, Mr Cameron is now leading a coalition of countries claiming that Europe should have a “more integrated open labour market”.
"So what the press say in their papers yesterday is wrapping fish and chips today:)"
LOL, so true, Point being the UK government is complicit in the immigration boondoggle, and it is all part of the plan to bring down the UK along with the USA. And install the Global Eugenics plan crafted by such leaders.
"Socialism's one-time interest in eugenics is dismissed as an accident of history. But the truth is far more unpalatable
I'm afraid even the Manchester Guardian was not immune. When a parliamentary report in 1934 backed voluntary sterilisation of the unfit, a Guardian editorial offered warm support, endorsing the sterilisation campaign "the eugenists soundly urge". If it's any comfort, the New Statesman was in the same camp."
More bird cage liner?
“Eugenics went into steep decline after 1945. Most recoiled from it once they saw where it led – to the gates of Auschwitz.”
Such a statement is grossly misleading by omission. What Freedland fails to point out is that, far from going into ‘steep decline’, eugenics continued to increase post-war in hidden and disguised forms: as can easily be proved even by relying upon the works of mainstream academics such as, for example, Professor Matthew Connelly of Columbia University[2]. The bigger truth is that eugenics, in its more covert and sophisticated modern guises, is arguably harming and killing far more human beings than crude efforts of pre-1945 Fabians and Fascists ever did.
Freedland defends famous past “admirable” eugenicists and tries to distance their other ideas from the distasteful core:
“…there’s a separate, but related, question: how should we treat the otherwise admirable thought or writings of people when we discover that those same people also held views we find repugnant?”
Freedland also gives the misleading impression that, apart from the odd misguided use of legacy eugenics language by modern politicians, what he calls “loose talk”, that real leftist eugenics aims are something of the past in that he refers to it as “Socialism’s one-time interest in eugenics”. One time interest eh? Why does Freedland make no mention of the post-war and contemporary works of The Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates, Planned Parenthood, John Holdren, Paul Ehrlich and the like? It would surely be ridiculous to assume he is not aware of such matters?
It would also be ridiculous to believe that Freedland has not seen widespread press reporting of views that the modern day leftist red-wolf has re-clothed itself in ‘green’ eco-sheep’s clothing[3]? Indeed, if eugenics is defined as limiting and reducing the number of poor people in the world – a definition that Freedland himself highlights – then the biggest global eugenics programme ever is very much work in progress. Such a programme is promoted by many so-called ‘greens’ and regularly favoured by The Guardian newspaper. Far from being concerned with reducing the number of poor people by making them materially better-off, it is concerned with reducing actual demographic totals and is misleadingly termed ‘sustainable development’. It is in fact a completely unnecessary programme[4] and, at its core, it is arguably plain and simple anti-poor-people eugenics in action: i.e. designed to stop them/us having productive and growing industrial economies and to also dish out contraceptive and abortion programmes like there is no tomorrow. In reality, ‘sustainable development’ will mean inability to sustain entirely sustainable current global population levels. ‘Red’ George Bernard-Shaw would no doubt be proud of such ‘green’ efforts if he were alive today and would be actively augmenting the ‘bring on the recession’ anti-industrial calls of George Monbiot[5] with his own regular Guardian column.
I cannot therefore help wondering if the real purpose of Freedman’s ‘eugenics… declined after 1945′ article is that it will help global-warmist-idiot[6] Guardian-readers to now have a reassuring warm feeling that their green-leftist ‘newspaper’ has fairly dealt with and dismissed this distasteful ‘skeleton’? They can now continue to ignore those pesky ‘conspiracy theorists’ on the internet who keep digging up uncomfortable truths and ignore ‘rogue academics’ such as Professor Ian Plimer: who not only bursts the warmist ‘sustainability’ bubble but also draws attention to the very real roots of present ‘green’ tendencies in eugenicist’s Nazi Germany[7]. Perhaps, like the green occult-ouroboros symbol of ‘Friends of the Earth’[8], things have come full circle? Instead of focusing on eugenics-past, The Guardian (formerly known as The Manchester Guardian) should do the public a proper service by exposing the eugenics-present. On the subject of supporting eugenics-past Freedland admits that: “I’m afraid even the Manchester Guardian was not immune.” I would argue that it is not immune from supporting eugenics-present either and that, whether the author intended it or not, Freedland’s backward-looking article aids that process and helps rehabilitate some very distasteful historic figures.
[1] Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left’s closet – Socialism’s one-time interest in eugenics is dismissed as an accident of history. But the truth is far more unpalatable.
Jonathan Freedland,, Friday 17 February 2012:
[2] Professor Matthew Connelly. Fatal Misconception – The Struggle to Control World Population:
[3] Alexander Wickham, ‘When you think of a Green Party, what comes to mind?’ The Independent, 24 January 2012:
[4] See for example:
‘The New Ecological Order’, by Professor Luc Ferry:
‘The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves’, by Dr Matt Ridley, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-00-737890-6. And see:
‘Ferraris For All: In Defence of Economic Progress’ by Daniel Ben-Ami, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-84742-346-7. And see:
[5] George Monbiot. ‘Bring on the Recession’:
[6] For scientific evidence debunking the theory of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), see for example:
[7] Professor Ian Plimer. ‘Heaven & Earth – Global Warming: The Missing Science’:
"A groundbreaking film, Demographic Winter: Decline of the Human Family, reveals in chilling soberness how societies with diminished family influence are now grimly seen as being in social and economic jeopardy."
This has all been planned by the feckless leaders of society
"The population bomb not only did not have the predicted consequences, but almost all of the developed countries of the world are now experiencing fertility rates far below replacement levels. Birthrates have fallen so low that even immigration cannot replace declining populations, and this migration is sapping strength from developing countries, the fertility rates for many of which are now falling at a faster pace than did those of the developed countries.
The economies of the world will continue to contract as the human capital spoken of by Nobel Prize winning economist Gary Becker, diminishes. The engines of commerce will be strained as the workers of today fail to replace themselves and are burdened by the responsibility to support an aging population."
This is already taking place in Japan, hence the increased use of robots in order to support the aging population.
The core break-up of the family has been engineered by technocratic/biocratic elite.
A study published in Human and Experimental Toxicology in May of 2011 concluded that “nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates.” (page 8).
This attack followed by economic manipulation and the over -reaching arm of the state are at the core of family destruction.
mparison of tissue reactions produced by Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae vaccines made with six different adjuvants in swine.
Straw BE, MacLachlan NJ, Corbett WT, Carter PB, Schey HM.
Tissue damage caused by six different adjuvants incorporated in a Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae vaccine was compared in swine. The adjuvants compared were four mineral oil compounds, one peanut oil compound and aluminum hydroxide. Inoculations were given in the neck, quadriceps and semitendinosus muscles. The mineral oil adjuvants were highly irritant and caused extensive areas of granulomatous inflammation that were present at eight weeks after injection. The aluminum hydroxide produced smaller lesions that also persisted for eight weeks. Only the peanut oil adjuvant did not produce significant lesions at the site of injection. At two and four weeks, but not at eight weeks postinoculation, lesions in the quadriceps and semitendinosus muscles were approximately twice as extensive as those in the muscles of the neck.
Requests for information on the types of adjuvants currently used in human vaccines have not been answered to date. We did find that adjuvants are used to create allergic animals for scientific study and also that peanut oil has been used as an adjuvant. Peanut is by far the most common food to cause anaphylaxis in young children. Is peanut oil, or a similar protein or portion of a protein used in human vaccines as an adjuvant or “protein coat” in the Hib vaccine? Aluminum has also been used as an adjuvant and is known to cause allergies according to the studies below. Could the adjuvants used in vaccines over the last 15 years be creating anaphylactic and allergic children?
C/o Rita Hoffman, R. R. #2,
Stirling, Ontario K0K 3E0 Canada
November 6, 2001
Immunization Safety Review Committee, National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Medicine FO 3009
2101 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20418
Dear Dr. McCormick, Chair & Committee,
Thank you for the opportunity to submit the following information for your review of the possible association between multiple immunizations in newborns and infants and immune system dysfunction. We are writing in particular about the potentially life threatening allergic response called anaphylaxis.
The exact numbers of children affected by anaphylaxis are difficult to pinpoint. A study in Arch Intern Med 2001 Jan 8;161(1):15-2, Anaphylaxis in the United States: an investigation into its epidemiology, concluded with “The occurrence of anaphylaxis in the US is not as rare as is generally believed. On the basis of our figures, the problem of anaphylaxis may, in fact, affect 1.21% (1.9 million) to 15.04% (40.9 million) of the US population.” PMID 11146694
In June of this year an article by Associated Press Writer Jim Fitzgerald entitled Peanut Butter Wars Rage in Schools stated “Schools that haven’t had a dangerously allergic pupil can expect one soon.” And “peanut allergies among schoolchildren were ‘barely on the radar’ a decade ago, said Dr. Robert Goldman, a New York allergist and Immunologist who specializes in pediatric cases.” “Now I’m seeing a tremendous number of cases,” he said. “It seems like the incidence is really increasing. As to why, I don’t think anyone in the world could tell you for sure.”
In Canada, the Anaphylaxis Canada’s Summer 2001 newsletter states that “20% of Canadians suffer from some form of allergy and approximately 4% of children and 2% of adults have developed a potentially lethal allergy to food.”2
The cover story in the September 2000 issue of Professionally Speaking, the magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers is “An Abnormal Response to Normal Things.” The article begins with “Teachers have to be aware that allergies can kill. A growing number of children are at risk – and a well-prepared teacher can make all the difference.” The article explains that “About a decade ago, the sudden surge in highly allergic children entering school systems across the province caught many educators off guard.”
Why the “surge” in anaphylactic children entering school a decade ago? These children were among the first to receive an additional vaccination, Hib meningitis. Is it possible that the Pertussis and Hib vaccine, both shown below to cause allergic responses, are creating a hypersensitive immune system in some children? Has any study looked into what happens to atopy incidence and IgE levels when 5 vaccines are given concurrently in infants?
JAMA 2001 Apr 4;285(13):1746-8 Detection of peanut allergens in breast milk of lactating women states, “Most individuals who react to peanuts do so on their first known exposure”……………..and concluded “Peanut protein is secreted into breast milk of lactating women following maternal dietary ingestion. Exposure to peanut protein during breastfeeding is a route of occult exposure that may result in sensitization of at-risk infants." PMID 11277829
Women have been ingesting peanut protein while breastfeeding for decades. What has changed in the last 15 years to cause infants to develop life-threatening allergies to this legume? One change has been the vaccination schedule.
The Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1999 Jul; 119(3):205-11 Pertussis adjuvant prolongs intestinal hypersensitivity concludes: Our findings indicate nanogram quantities of PT (pertussis toxin), when administered with a food protein, result in long-term senitization to the antigen, and altered intestinal neuroimmune function. These data suggest that exposure to bacterial pathogens may prolong the normally transient immune responsiveness to inert food antigens. PMID 10436392
Does this study explain why babies and toddlers react on their first exposure to the peanuts or other antigens? The babies may have been sensitized by the vaccines to the proteins through breast milk or formula ingested at the time of vaccination. This would also explain why children are anaphylactic to a variety of proteins, such as different tree nuts, peanuts, egg, legumes, milk, seeds, etc., depending on what proteins the mother ate at the time of vaccination.
Rates of anaphylaxis have increased dramatically since the introduction of the Hib vaccine.
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1979 Mar-Apr;6(2):139-49 Comparison of vaccination of mice and rats with Haemophilus influenzae and Bordetella pertussis as models of atopy, states “The Haemophilus influenzae vaccinated experimental animal provides a model that is possibly more related to human atopy than the Bordetella pertussis vaccinated animal.” PMID 311260
Ann Allergy 1979 Jan;42(1):36-40 states “To determine whether Haemophilus influenzae could be a factor in human atopy its effects were studied on the (para-)Sympathic Cyclic nucleotide-histamine axis in rats. Haemophilus influenzae vaccination induced changes in the cholinergic system compatible with higher cyclic GMP levels and enhanced histamine release. The authors suggest an involvement of the cholinergic system in Haemophilus influenzae vaccination effects. PMID 216288
Agents Actions 1984 Oct;15(3-4):211-5 entitled Bronchial hyperreactivity to histamine induced by Haemophilus influenzae vaccination states “……This suggests a hyperreactivity of the parasympathethic, cholinergic pathways as a result of H.influenzae vaccination.” PMID 6335351
Eur J. Pharmacol 1980 Apr 4;62(4):261-8 entitled The effects of Haemophilus influenzae vaccination on anaphylactic mediator release and isoprenaline-induced inhibition of mediator release states “These results indicate an increased sensitivity to antigenic challenge and suggest that the functioning of beta-adrenoceptors was decreased as a result of H. Influenzae vaccination.” PMID 6154589
Pediatrics 1988 Jun (81) Supplement - Report on the Task Force on Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization – extract states, For more than 25 years, it has been known that pertussis vaccine is a reliable adjuvant for the production of experimental allergic encephalitis.4
Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir 1987;23 Suppl 10:111s-113s A model for experimental asthma: provocation in guinea-pigs immunized with Bordetella pertussis states, “ Guinea-pigs were sensitized with killed Bordetella pertussis………the presence of the immediate type of immune response was verified by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis……B. pertussis not only alters adrenergic function but provocation in B. pertussis-sensitized guinea-pigs seems to be a good model for bronchial asthma. PMID 2889487
Pediatr Res 1987 Sep;22(3):262-7 Murine responses to immunization with pertussis toxin and bovine serum albumin: I. Mortality observed after bovine albumin challenge is due to an anaphylactic reaction……….the results of our experiments have established that the disease induced by coimmunizing mice with Ptx and BSA is due to an immediate type hypersensitivity…………PMID 3309858
Infect Immun 1987 Apr.;55(4):1004-8 Anaphylaxis or so-called encephalopathy in mice sensitized to an antigen with the aid of pertussigen (pertussis toxin), states, Sensitization of mice with 1mg of bovine serum albumin (BSA) or chicken egg albumin (EA) ………….induced a high degree of anaphylactic sensitivity when the mice were challenged i.v. with 1 mg of antigen 14 days later. PMID 3557617
A study of 450 children, 11% of the children who had received the pertussis vaccination suffered from asthma, as compared with only 2% of the children who had not been vaccinated. PMID 8057511
Allergy 1983 May;38(4):261-71
Requests for information on the types of adjuvants currently used in human vaccines have not been answered to date. We did find that adjuvants are used to create allergic animals for scientific study and also that peanut oil has been used as an adjuvant. Peanut is by far the most common food to cause anaphylaxis in young children. Is peanut oil, or a similar protein or portion of a protein used in human vaccines as an adjuvant or “protein coat” in the Hib vaccine? Aluminum has also been used as an adjuvant and is known to cause allergies according to the studies below. Could the adjuvants used in vaccines over the last 15 years be creating anaphylactic and allergic children?
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001 Apr;107(4):693-702 Murine model of atopic dermatitis associated with food hypersensitivity states, “Female C3H/HeJ mice were sensitized orally to cow’s milk or peanut with a cholera toxin adjuvant and then subjected to low-grade allergen exposure………………..An eczematous eruption developed in approximately one third of mice after low-grade exposure to milk or peanut proteins……………….This eczematous eruption resembles AD (atopic dermatitis) in human subjects and should provide a useful model for studying immunopathogenic mechanisms of food hypersensivity in AD.” PMID 11295660
Allergy 1980 Jan;35(1):65-71 Antigen-induced bronchial anaphylaxis in actively sensitized guinea pigs. Pattern of response in relation to immunization regimen….guinea-pigs sensitized with small amounts of antigen together with alum produced IgE and IgG1 antibodies. PMID 7369497
Allergy 1978 Jun:33(3):155-9 Aluminum phosphate but not calcium phosphate stimulates the specific IgE response in guinea pigs to tetanus toxoid. It is hypothesized that the regular application of aluminum compound-containing vaccines on the entire population could be one of the factors leading to the observed increase of allergic diseases. PMID 707792
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1994 May;5(2):118-23 Immunoglobulin E and G responses to pertussis toxin after booster immunization in relation to atopy, local reactions and aluminum content of the vaccines. The role of aluminium for IgG and IgE responses to pertussis toxin (PT), as well as for side effects, was investigated in 49 children with known atopy status………………the addition of aluminum to the pertussis vaccine was, thus, associated with a stronger IgG antibody response, but tended also to induce a stronger IgE antibody response. The correlation between total IgE and PT-IgE, which was most prominent in children with atopy, indicates that the role of immunization for the development of allergy merits further studies. PMID 8087191
Adv Drug Deliv Rev 1998 Jul 6;32(3):155-172 entitled Aluminum compounds as vaccine adjuvants stated, “Limitations of aluminum adjuvants include local reactions, augmentation of IgE antibody responses, ineffectiveness for some antigens and inability to augment cell-mediated immune responses, especially cytotoxic T-Cell responses. PMID 10837642
Annals of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology, Vol. 85, Number 1, July 2000 article T-cell subsets (Th1 versus Th2) includes Figure 7 on page 15 – “Factors responsible for the imbalance of the Th1/Th2 responses which is partly responsible for the increased prevalence of allergy in Western countries. Risk for atopy - Th2, increased exposure to some allergens and Th2-biasing vaccines (alum as adjuvant).”
Vaccine 1992;10(10):714-20 Parameters affecting the immunogenicity of microencapsulated tetanus toxoid states “As expected, incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) proved to be a more potent adjuvant than peanut oil…………….” PMID 1523381
Can J Comp Med 1985 Apr;49(2):149-51 compared 6 different adjuvants in swine including four mineral oil compounds, one peanut oil compound and aluminum hydroxide. PMID 4016580
C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D 1975 Apr 7;280(13):1629-32 states…….. a stable water in oil emulsion can be produced by using metabolizable peanut oil with arlacel. When mycobacteria are added, a potent emulsified oil adjuvant is obtained which increases the immune response to BSA and to influenza vaccine. PMID 811378
Immunology Today, March 1998, Volume 19, p. 113-116 states, “Modern vaccinations, fear of germs and obsession with hygiene are depriving the immune system of information input upon which it is dependent. This fails to maintain the correct cytokine balance and fine-tune T-cell regulation, and may lead to increased incidences of allergies and autoimmune diseases.”
From the journal Allergy 1999, 54, 398-399, Multiple Vaccination effects on atopy, “An increase in the incidence of childhood atopic diseases may be expected as a result of concurrent vaccination strategies that induce a Th2-biased immune response. What should be discussed is whether the prize of a reduction of common infectious diseases through a policy of mass vaccination from birth is worth the price of a higher prevalence of atopy.”
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Feb. 2000; 23(2):81-90, Effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis or tetanus vaccination on allergies and allergy-related respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States, “The odds of having a history of asthma was twice as great among vaccinated subjects than among unvaccinated subjects. The odds of having any allergy-related respiratory
symptom in the past 12 months was 63% greater among vaccinated subjects than unvaccinated subjects.” PMID 10714532
Thorax 1998 Nov;53(11):927-32 Early childhood infection and atopic disorder, stated “Interpretation of the prediction of atopic disorders by immunisation with wholecell pertussis vaccine and treatment with oral antibiotics needs to be very cautious because of the possibilities of confounding effects and reverse causation. However, plausible immune mechanisms are identifiable for the promotion of atopic disorders by both factors and further investigation of these association is warranted.” PMID 10193389
Epidemiology 1997 Nov;8(6):678-80 Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy? This study followed 1,265 children born in 1977. The 23 children who received no DPT and polio immunizations had no recorded asthma episodes or consultations for asthma or other allergic illness before age 10 years; in the immunized children, 23.1% had asthma episodes, 22.5% asthma consultations, and 30% consultations for other allergic illness. Similar differences were observed at ages 5 and 16 years. PMID 9345669
Arerugi 2000 Jul;49(7):585-92, The Effect of DPT and BCG vaccinations on atopic disorders findings include, “From these results we conclude that DPT vaccination has some effect in the promotion of atopic disorders……. PMID 10944825
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 121:1:2000, 2-9, Genetic and environmental factors contributing to the onset of allergic disorders. “The increasing prevalence of allergy in developed countries suggests that environmental factors acting either before or after birth also contribute to regulate the development of Th2 cells and/or their function. The reduction of infectious diseases in early life due to increasing vaccinations, antimicrobial treatments as well as changed lifestyle are certainly important in influencing the individual outcome in the Th response to ubiquitous allergens.
This is going to be a long article and I know not everyone will have time to read it. So I’m going to summarize the key points right up front because I think this information is so important:
These days a lot of people are scared to eat fish. They’ve been told that fish are full of contaminants like mercury, PCBs and dioxins that cause neurological problems and may increase the risk of cancer. Pregnant women have been especially warned due to the supposed risk of these toxins to the developing fetus.
In the last few articles I’ve established the importance of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in human health. I’ve argued that the conversion of plant-based omega-3 fats like ALA into the longer chain EPA and DHA is extremely poor in most people.
The conclusion is obvious: fish should be a part of our diet. But is it safe to eat fish?
You might be surprised to learn that the answer is a resounding yes. In this article I’ll demonstrate that concerns about toxins in fish have been overblown, and that there is almost no risk associated with eating fish when a few simple precautions are taken.
Although people are increasingly concerned about the effects of mercury levels in fish, recent evidence suggests that the trace amounts of mercury in the fish Americans eat aren’t high enough to pose a health risk.
But measuring only mercury significantly exaggerates this risk, because it ignores the important role of selenium.
Selenium is plentiful in many ocean fish species, but the public is unaware of its protective role against mercury. Selenium has high binding affinity for mercury. This means that when the two elements are found together, they connect, forming a new substance.
This new substance makes it hard for the body to absorb the mercury separately. Simply put, when selenium binds to mercury, mercury is not longer free to bind to anything else – like brain tissue.
Studies have shown that relevant amounts of selenium (Se) can prevent oxidative brain damage and other adverse effects associated with mercury toxicity. (PDF)
University of North Dakota researcher Richard Ralston has published several papers on the protective effects of selenium. He describes the relationship between selenium and mercury as follows:
Think of dietary selenium as if it were your income and dietary mercury as if it were a bill that you need to pay. Just as we all need a certain amount of money to cover living expenses such as food and rent, we all need a certain amount of selenium.
And guess what foods are highest in selenium? You’re right! 16 of the 25 best sources of dietary selenium are ocean fish.
He goes on:
Only one major study has shown negative effects from exposure to mercury from seafood, and that seafood was pilot whale meat. Pilot whale meat is unusual in that it contains more mercury than selenium. When you eat pilot whale meat it’s like getting a bill for $400 and a check for less than $100. If that happens too much, you go bankrupt. On the other hand, if you eat ocean fish, it’s like getting a check in the mail for $500 and getting a bill for $25. The more that happens, the happier you are.
What Ralston is telling us is that as long as the fish we’re eating has more selenium than mercury, there’s nothing to worry about.
Fortunately, studies by several independent organizations have consistently shown that most of the fish we eat contain significantly more selenium than mercury. Fish that contain more mercury than selenium include pilot whale, tarpon, marlin, swordfish and some shark.
The following chart illustrates the relative levels of selenium and mercury in commonly eaten ocean fish:
Researchers have proposed a new measure of seafood safety called the Selenium Health Benefit Value (SeHBV) that takes the protective role of selenium into account.
Fish with a positive (above zero) SeHBV ratio would be safe to eat, whereas fish with a negative ratio would be unsafe. Using these criteria, most varieties of ocean fish have positive SeHBV ratios and are thus safe to eat.
A study conducted by the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also found that an estimated 97% of the freshwater fish from lakes and rivers in the western U.S. are safe to eat. It is the only study I’m aware of that has measured both mercury and selenium levels in the tissues of freshwater fish. 1
So how much fish is safe to eat?
The joint recommendation for fish consumption of the EPA and FDA as of 2004 is as follows:
Notice that these recommendations are already quite liberal compared to the fish-phobes who suggest we avoid fish entirely.
But even these recommendations are too strict, because they don’t take the protective effects of selenium into account. As long as the fish is higher in selenium than it is in mercury, there’s no reason to limit consumption to 12 ounces per week.
PCBs are synthetic organochlorine compounds previously used in industrial and commercial processes. Dioxins are organochlorine by-products of waste incineration, paper bleaching, pesticide production, and production of certain plastics. Yummy!
While it makes perfect sense to try to avoid these toxins to the greatest extent possible, abstaining from fish isn’t a particularly good strategy.
The highest dietary sources of PCBs and dioxins are not fish, but beef, chicken and pork (34%), dairy products (30%) and vegetables (22%). Fish constitute only 9% of our dietary intake of these chemicals.
The primary concern with PCBs and dioxins is cancer. Animal studies and some evidence in humans suggest that both are carcinogenic.
However, an analysis has shown that, per 100,000 individuals, consumption of farmed vs. wild salmon would result in 24 vs. 8 excess cancer deaths, respectively, while consumption of either farmed or wild salmon would result in 7,125 fewer coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths.
Another analysis of the same data suggested that, for all ages evaluated (25-35 to 85 years), CHD benefits outweighed cancer risks by 100- to 370-fold for farmed salmon and by 300- to more than 1000-fold for wild salmon.
It’s important to note that the benefits of fish consumption are based on prospective studies and randomized trials in humans, whereas estimated cancer risks include a 10-fold safety factor and are based on experimental data in animals and limited studies in humans at extremely high doses.
Cancer estimates also assumed lifetime salmon consumption of 1,000 mg/d of EPA & DHA (four 6-oz servings of wild salmon every week for 70 years). Of course virtually nobody in the U.S. currently eats this much salmon.
On the other hand, CHD mortality reduction may be achieved with lower intake (i.e. 250 mg/d – one 6-oz. wild salmon serving per week). At this intake, CHD benefits would be the same (7,125 fewer deaths) while lifetime cancer risk would decrease by 75% (6 and 2 estimated deaths per 100,000 for farmed and wild salmon respectively). The CHD benefits would outweigh cancer risks by more than 3500-fold in the case of wild salmon.
Once again, with few exceptions (the species of fish with more mercury than selenium), it’s not only safe but incredibly beneficial to eat fish regularly.
How beneficial? Let’s find out.
In 2006 Mozaffarian & Rimm published a paper in JAMA called “Fish Intake, Contaminants and Human Health: Evaluating the Risks and Benefits“. They analyzed several studies that examined the impact of fish consumption on both coronary and total mortality. They found that modest fish consumption (e.g. 1-2 servings/wk) – especially of oily fish higher in EPA and DHA – reduced the risk of coronary death by 36% and total mortality by 17%, and may favorably affect other clinical outcomes.
The authors summarized their findings this way:
For major health outcomes among adults, based on the strength of the evidence and the potential magnitudes of effect, the benefits of fish exceed the potential risks.
For women of childbearing age, benefits of modest fish intake, excepting a few selected species, also outweigh risks.
They also pointed out that the Japanese eat 900 mg/d of EPA & DHA on average, and have death rates from coronary heart disease 87% lower than those in Western populations (like the U.S.).
If you’re interested in learning more about this study, I recommend listening to the JAMA Audio in the Room interview with its lead author, Mozaffarian.
DHA is essential for proper development of the brain. It is preferentially incorporated into the rapidly developing brain during gestation and the first two years of infancy, concentrating in the gray matter and retinal membranes.
In a meta-analysis of 14 trials, DHA supplementation improved visual acuity in a dose dependent manner. In another trial of 341 pregnant women, treatment with cod liver oil from week 18 until 3 months postpartum raised mental processing scores at age 4 years.
This is consistent with observational studies showing positive associations between maternal DHA levels or fish intake during pregnancy and behavioral attention scores, visual recognition, memory, and language comprehension in infancy.
An FDA report issued in 2008 noted that the nutrients in fish – especially n-3 LCFAs, selenium, and vitamin D – could boost a child’s IQ by an estimated ten points. 2
The FDA report summarizes evidence suggesting that the greatest benefits to children would result if pregnant women of childbearing age, nursing mothers and young children ate more than the 12 ounces of fish per week currently recommended by the EPA.
According to the National Fisheries Institute, Americans currently consume only five ounces a week of fish high in n-3 LCFA, which is less than half the recommended amount. The NFI also estimates that up to 14 percent of women of childbearing age eat no fish at all, despite the fact that n-3 LCFA are essential to proper fetal brain and eye development.
Based on the new understanding of selenium’s protective role, and the importance of DHA for fetal and early childhood development, pregnant mothers should be advised to eat oily ocean fish regularly.
The first evidence of the significant role of dietary intake of n-3 LCFA in reducing inflammation came from epidemiological observations of the low incidence of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders in a population of Greenland Eskimos compared with gender- and age-matched groups living in Denmark. The Eskimos in this study had dramatically lower rates of psoriasis, asthma and type 1 diabetes, as well as a complete absence of multiple sclerosis.
Animal and human studies suggest that n-3 LCFA suppresses cell mediated immune responses. Increasing the amount of n-3 LCFA while decreasing omega-6 fatty acids leads to improvements and a decrease of steroid use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
This is because omega-3s have been shown to suppress the capacity of monocytes to synthesize interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). IL-1 and TNF are the principal mediators of mediation in several different inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.
This is simply a re-cap of the overview presented at the beginning of the article. But it’s worth repeating.
Fukushima is definitely the Joker in the deck when it comes to eating fish.