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Re: 15K ppm is nuts - but we have seen this before haven't we?
TheOscar Views: 2,842
Published: 13 y
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Re: 15K ppm is nuts - but we have seen this before haven't we?

Are you currently battling staph? My selection of product has nothing to do with an opinion or even how much it costs because results heal. I took a sample of my Staph wound and submerged it in 15k ppm silver water and the sample turned white, imploded and had no structure after 15 minutes. No other product at any concentration ever did that which is really how to test the true performance of any product without regard to advertising claims. I was abandoned by the medical community after 3 rounds of anti-biotics and various discussions in regards to why nothing was working. The Staph continued to grow and I finally accepted the fact that it was me that would find the cure and I have tried the products you mentioned without result. It is one thing to be part of an experience and another to just give an "opinion" but my posts are not about an opinion .. they are about the long process of healing while perhaps helping others.


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