Re: Genova Vaginal Profile will NOT identify type of yeast!
Actually, I was yeast free for the whole year of 2010/11! And as soon as I started eating stuff with Splenda and glycerin and chemicals like Sodium Benzoate (additives in food), the infections returned...I am having a hard time again. I haven't been on the yeast diet until about a week ago. I didn't eat sugar, but I did eat chemicals...And I am not doing a clean candida diet either. I love whipped cream and coffee. I do, however, try to avoid chemicals in food. Buy organic stuff as much as possible. I drink Pau D'Arco tea. And I rotate natural anti-candida things like Oreganol, Coconut oil, Caprylic Acid,
Black-Walnut extract.
gibby, my doc gave me diflucan for 6 months (150mg once a week), but it does nothing for me. I can't feel anything from it. I am actually saving the pills for later (and there's always "later" unfortunately)
Did your gyno order a culture this time? I don't go to my gyno any just depresses me too much. I am due to a pap smear in Spring, so I will tell her then what's going on.
I do Boric Acid once a day for 2 weeks MINIMUM.