Re: Low Oxygen Concentrator unit that supplies around 30%......
One can get rid of
parasites w/o added oxygen. I wonder what, if any studies, have been done to show what, if any,
parasites don't like a highly oxygenated environment? How do we know some don't like it better with more oxygen? So often people take a theoretical approach rather than an evidence based approach. Or, they may see some success at one level, or in one instance, and then generalize that the same success will take place at other, maybe more complex, levels.
I wonder what, if any, studies have been done to show that simply breathing more deeply and doing aerobic exercise isn't just as good as buying an oxygen generating machine. It may be that the machine is indeed better, but I like to see data to back up claims before paying out money.
I got an ozonator and didn't see any changes in my well being whatsoever at all whether I added the oxygen to water and/or to my sleeping area. I didn't see plants doing any better with oxygenated water than with regular water. So I guess I'm just skeptical.