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Re: What should I order?
ginger4jeff Views: 1,948
Published: 13 y
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Re: What should I order?

Hey there! Sorry to hear you're still dealing with all this. Well if its a sinus infection or ear ache,it may not really matter because treatment for each will likely be similar. Yes continue on your supertonic and echinaccea!! I felt a sinus thing coming on in the past few days but took some supertonic and 4 cloves of garlic everyday and feel fine!! :) the snuff is great,I mean sure,once you sniff it you think "am I crazy?? What did I just do???" Lol,but that's only for a few minutes and you will feel great a few moments after that!! And feel quite proud of yourself :) no the supertonic can't go bad,as Dr.schulze says "its already bad" its vinegar!!! Now if you're making it and the ingredients aren't quite covered,they might mold or something like that because of being exposed to air and not all the way in the liquid. Try not to get overwhelmed :) take it slow,start with a few things and keep adding as you are able. And just my own suggestion from recent experience with my daughters ear infections...I put a castor oil pack around her neck at night. It helped all those canals and lymphnodes to drain which helped a lot with getting things cleared out and not backed up. I also put her on the blood detox tincture to help her lymphnodes. I did dry skin brushing too. All very simple,not time consuming things,that when put altogether get the job done very quickly!!


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