Re: hashimoto's thyroiditis and urine therapy
Hey, so did you try urine therapy?
How is your hashimotos' now. Has it ran it's course? Do you still have antibodies> Do you have mindfog as well?
Im still not on any meds... i tried them for 1.5 months and felt sooo much worse.
I still have mindfog, swollen by the jaw, now my neck has been hurting a lot lately... heart palpiataions at night, etc... My antibodies are now at 44, and they should be below 34... so they are almost within range. is that a good thing?
I still have no energy and feel awful, I'm just worried that the hashimoto's is attacking my thyroid now... because of the swollen glands and pain... :( This disease sucks!!!
Could you share with me your healing plan and how you feel now!
Thank you!!!! Best wishes!!