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Bugs eating at foreskin of penis and in crevice of eyes with accompanying rash on privates
Parasitevictim11 Views: 15,110
Published: 13 y

Bugs eating at foreskin of penis and in crevice of eyes with accompanying rash on privates

Hello a while back I noticed a red scaly rash appear on my testicles. I dismissed it and figured regular washing would solve it. Before I knew it my whole scrotum was bright red and itchy (felt like bug bites) and j started feeling pinpricks all over my body (didnt leave marks just made area red for a few minutes) Soon after I noticed the redness spread up the shaft of my penis up to the foreskin and the tip of my penis. Soon after some sort of parasitic bug appeared to make the foreskin of my penis it's home. There are several cuts into the skin, and there is also itchiness which I believe may be because of some fungal rash spread from the testicles. I went to the doctor the first time I got Permethrin 5% it didn't seem to do much I tried using anti fungal creams it just seems to irritate the rash. Now the two crevices just to the side of my eye appear to have a burrow in them and they itch a good bit. Anyone know what's going on? And any suggestions to what it is or a cure. Also the whole affliction on my privates seems to get agitated when I'm hot or sweaty.


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