You started out with a complaint about the word prevention and used it as a a vector to get in a jab about unscientific quackery, then mutated your own point into one about allowing the body to cure itself by giving it the nutrition it needs to do so.... Well maybe if it had gotten the nutrition in time, the herbs would have prevented the disease instead of curing it. How will we ever know? Shall we make it a law that a million dollars must be spent on proof one way or another and people should be prohibited from getting the nutrition,just in case it won't work, there by insuring they remain sick and prone to visiting a person trained in the Science of medicine for pain killers?
What do you get out of preaching to the choir that there is no God, while pretending you are not an atheist? This is some kind of perverted devil's advocacy that you are spreading around like an infection of the soul and apparently I caught it. Congratulations. What ails you? Have you made friends with the snake inside? Or have you given your body the nutrition it needed to cure itself? What have you learned here that has helped you?