I know what you are going through, although our stories a little different, its all the same.. I will tell you that you are not alone in this. I have learned to heal from all the abuse i received as a child, and i wont lie to you, it took me a long time and im still not completely healed, and to be honest you never will be completely healed. The way ive gotten through life is speaking out about all the things i went through. Dont take the things that you have gone through or are going through as a dead end....take all that and write.. educate people about the foster care system..Educate people about sexua| abuse, share your story..And remember just because your past relationships didnt work or went wrong, it doesnt mean that there is not a person out there for your... its just that everything comes in due time, everything has its process.... the right person for you will come along when its time for them to be there. To Answer your questions, yes, love does exist...I dont know you and i love you for being such a brave soul and not giving up this fight... You are a survivor and not a victims sweet heart.. let the world know you are a strong being. Does marriage last? I think it can, it depends on the persons involved. Take the steps necessary to make you feel better.. Share your story...
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You are not alone......