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Re: To Chris Day 6 - salt intake bad?
chrisb1 Views: 2,089
Published: 13 y
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Re: To Chris Day 6 - salt intake bad?

Well Ambler,
I agree with you, there is a lot of conflicting advice out there on both sides of the health-coin, (Mainstream and Alternatives) so I don't blame you or anyone else for being confused.

Health is built and not bought, and where I believe through clinical experience that true healing comes only from the body itself, and by adhering to the laws of nature and the physiological needs of the body.

The concept of Natural Hygiene relies on those physiological laws to effect healing and in proportion to our bodily needs by using: fresh air, wholesome food that is properly combined, judicious sunlight exposure, ample rest and sleep, clean water, fasting, exercise and emotional poise and being free from toxins whether they be of an endogenous or exogenous origin.
Any deviation from this lifestyle practice will only build disease sooner if not later.

But NH has been expanded upon in recent decades and mostly with the application of nutrition because of nutrient-depleted soils; this is why I am an advocate of Orthomolecular Medicine as well, because it uses optimized nutrition in re-balancing the nutritional needs of the body, and in doing so greatly aids the body in its work of self-healing.
The work and results of this man speaks for itself: a true pioneer.

We should also bear in mind that the most successful interventions against Cancer and its causes are Nutritionally orientated, such as in the Gerson Protocol or the Budwig Protocol (effective against a multitude of degenerative diseases) or even the use of Oxygen with food grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Many other foodstuffs have strong anticancer compounds as they contain phyotochemicals that act as a prophylactic against the development of cancers, and they include berries, grapes, cruciferous vegetables and so on.

Shelton was a dedicated man, and without him we would have been largely ignorant of the value of Natural Hygiene where fasting plays its part, but his work has been expanded on by others and most notably Dr Joel Fuhrman MD; Dr Keki Sidhwa; Dr Alec Burton; Alan Goldhamer and many others.

We are indeed fortunate to have their experience and knowledge despite the tide of medical monopoly which for the most part stands in the way.

I'll sign off with what Shelton used to sign off his articles and writings.....................

"Yours for Health-Truth & Medical Liberty".



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