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Re: To Chris Day 6 - salt intake bad?
chrisb1 Views: 2,152
Published: 13 y
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Re: To Chris Day 6 - salt intake bad?

Hi Ambler,
sorry I haven't been able to get back to you till now as been away for a few days. I think there are some other posts I need to catch up on.

To allay any fears you may have about the onset of starvation, the body is very wise in not allowing this to happen until the last possible resort, and most all if not all food reserves are depleted. The point I was making is that if you had continued with salt eating, even in minute quantities, your body will react as if it were on an extremely restricted diet, and "use-up" your food reserves more rapidly. The first symptoms you might have experienced would have been symptoms of "deficiency".
This is early days so there is no risk of starvation whatsoever.
However, the first symptom of the onset of starvation is an incredible hunger where you feel as if you could "eat a horse" (excuse me vegetarians and vegans): a very powerful motivating force to eat.
A very accurate description was recently provided by Mighty in a post he made..............




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