13 y
Re: Need Your Help and Feedback: Allergies Candida-Adrenal Fatigue
I think you already have the issue properly framed, and your instincts are correct. It was going off the diet w/ ice cream, cake and chocolate that both boosted the candida and burdened your adrenals. Four mos. is a long time to be off the wagon.
I am recovering from both severe AF and candida, and have an ongoing, minor sinus issue. My kidney/adrenal axis cannot tolerate caffeine, dairy, and certain oxalates (except for once in a long while). I have noticed a direct correlation between the state of my adrenals and the openness/stuffiness of my sinuses.
Ice cream is horrible for candida sufferers. And the more severe your AF was, the farther away from chocolate you should stay (caffeine, possibly dairy+oxalates).
You probably already know this re: the adrenals, but for the sake of others, they need: Vitamin C (more so than any other organ in the body), air-dried salt, regular sleep, lots of water, B vitamins, and exercise. And no stimulants, no sensitivity foods, and no rancid oils.
I recently discovered that if I dissolve a packet of Emergen-C in water and drink it before bed, I wake up with both sinuses open.