Could this picture of a stool sample show candida? This particular sample tested negative for ova or parasites. A different stool sample was sent to metamatrix labs with the result of a parasite (I haven't seen the report so I'm not sure if it was identified) as well as "high yeast", and pancreatic insufficiency. My PCP thought the stool in this image might have been passed tissue or lining of some sort but wanted to test it for parasites to be sure. During the office visit, she also diagnosed me with a yeast infection and possible thrush and prescribed one dose of diflucan. To give a brief background, I've had diarrhea for 9 and 1/2 months and have had many trips to the ER. I'm currently being seen by a GI and treated for pancreatic insufficiency and bile salt diarrea. Thank you and sorry for the yucky pic! But maybe it can help others as well.